Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Day 13: Journey to Murchison Falls!

The morning of Day 13, we had our last breakfast at the Apricot Guest House. I had a yummy Nutella banana sandwich and mango - pretty yummy & filling.

Then we headed west for about a six hour drive to Murchison Falls National Park, one of the most amazing sites we've ever seen. If you ever visit Uganda, you must visit Murchison. You must. As usual, the drive was very interesting - passing through villages, markets, and what seems to be the middle of nowhere.

We stopped for brunch at Uganda's oldest hotel, Masindi Hotel, a beautiful retreat built in 1923. You can read about it's rich history and famous guests that have stayed there here

After stuffing ourselves with that yummy deliciousness, we hopped back in the van & headed to our destination.

The entrance into Murchison was actually only about 30 minutes from Masindi, but once you enter, the drive to the hotel is a few hours away, which we didn't mind because we got to see a totally different landscape along the way. It didn't take long before we entered vast tropical vegetation and it even grew quite dark because of all the trees around us. We got to see several monkeys along the way and it was quite a great time (NOT) when the van filled with tsetse flies. (Kerry especially didn't think it was fun when she got bit by one on her rear! I know, TMI!)

We finally made it to our home for the next two nights, Paraa Lodge. This place is amazing - so quiet, beautiful, and surreal. So nice, that after being around so much poverty for the past two weeks, made us feel a little (a lot) guilty for being there. But it was such a blessing, I have to say, to have a comfortable bed to sleep in and a shower with good water pressure and a warm temperature!

And, I might add, the food was amazing. Getting to our rooms at night after dinner was an adventure in itself because BATS also love Paraa Lodge and I think they get their giggles swooping down at the guests as they run to their rooms. And then you have to try to get in quickly so they don't follow you when you open the door! That's a little more excitement than we cared for. Once we were safely inside, we crashed and woke up early the next morning for our SAFARI! (Will write about that on Day 14, hopefully soon!)

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